
Megan McDonald Solutions


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Academic Coach

Megan McDonald combines current neuroscience research with over twenty years of experience teaching the neurodiverse student to bring you solutions in tutoring, consultation, and educational products!

Megan Recommends!

Try this genius new neurodiversity product:

Phomemo Mini Printer

Achieve Success

 “There is an epidemic of reading failure that we have the scientific evidence to treat and we are not acknowledging or implementing it.”  

-Sally Shaywitz, Professor of Medicine, Yale University
Neuroscience Consultation & Coaching
MMS Curriculum
Home Education
ACT Prep


“Megan the tutor.. first person in 19 years to not only NOT diminish my daughter’s belief in herself, but to build up her belief in herself so much that I now have an heir to whom I can pass down my law firm.  Six months ago, unheard of!”

“Megan is a passionate advocate for the learning disabled.  Her passion, knowledge, hard work, and badass-ness bring results that are undeniable.”

Megan was thorough and consistent throughout the tutoring. when I wanted to give up, Megan forged on!